Dec 28, 2015

PACIFIC BIRDS Habitat Joint Venture

Great site for migratory birds on the other side of Pacific!

PACIFIC BIRDS HABITAT JOINT VENTURE (Pacific Birds) is an international partnership between the U.S. and Canada committed to conserving crucial habitats for migratory birds.

We have been advancing avian habitat conservation since our origins in 1991.

Pacific Birds is making renewed efforts to meet the enormous conservation challenges we all face.

We are also working with partners to create new opportunities to achieve conservation on a flyway scale, from Northern California to Hawaii to Alaska.

Please dive in and learn more about our efforts, our partners and most importantly, the birds.

We are a partnership driven organization that thrives on engagement, input and collaboration.

We would like to know what you need to be more successful, to be more regionally focused, and to communicate and connect more.

Pacific Birds Habitat Joint Venture was formerly called Pacific Coast Joint Venture.

PACIFIC BIRDS Habitat Joint Venture | Creating the ideal environment for bird habitat conservation.